Elevate yourself in just 6 minutes and 20 seconds.

Elevate yourself in just 6 minutes and 20 seconds.


Becoming the best version of yourself is a lifelong journey, not a destination.  

The most effective way to improve yourself is by setting small targets. This approach has many benefits; the size of the goal doesn't matter, as each achievement, no matter how small, is a step forward. Large targets can be daunting and may feel like a chore,  discouraging you with thoughts like, 'I'll do it later.' Small targets,  on the other hand, are enjoyable and less off-putting. 

By integrating the following into your routine, you'll experience a fantastic difference.

For the following four points, engage in a practice run over seven days to truly experience the difference. If it's beneficial, we've also crafted a chart to assist you in staying organised and monitoring your progress. 

This full practice should take no more than 6 minutes and 20 seconds per day. 

1. Every morning when you wake up, affirm to yourself: "Today is destined to be a great day; my heart is filled with gratitude for the universe and the higher power paving the way for new opportunities. I embrace  the day, taking a confident step towards more success, health, and  happiness." 

2. Every night when you go to bed, affirm to yourself:  "I am a powerful magnet, effortlessly attracting abundance and success into my life. I draw in limitless possibilities daily, trusting the universe to reveal my dreams. I am deserving and fully prepared to embrace all the goodness life offers."

Say both of the above from your heart and deeply believe every word. You'll be surprised at how this simple practice can positively influence your direction. 

3. Take 3 minutes to meditate: Find a quiet place to have a moment with your thoughts. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and connect with the universe by thinking positive thoughts, your mind and body to come together during these three minutes, and conclude by taking deep breaths before opening your eyes. There is no wrong or right way to meditate, just enjoy. You can enhance the experience by listening to meditation music, preferably without vocals to avoid distraction. Remember, we are a single planet among 400 billion stars in a galaxy that is just one of 2 trillion galaxies. Connecting is essential.  

4. Take 3 minutes to elevate your senses with this simple practice: Find a quiet place, and sit comfortably with your eyes open or closed. Inhale deeply through the crown of your head for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, and exhale through your toes for 5 seconds. Relax for 3 seconds,  and continue this for 3 minutes. It's a sensation that comes at no cost, offering a refreshing reset.


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